Wednesday, November 23, 2022

ImageMagick sandboxing issue

And you know what? Of course I introduced a bug while implementing sandboxing feature for Fancy Viewer: the support of some raw images was broken from till, because of Image Magick requires the use of a filesystem to load these raw images (actually their codecs just doesn't support Blobs).

The root cause of the bug is that Low Integrity application obviously can't access any general-purpose temporary folder; there are some folders that Image Magick knows about, and FOLDERID_LocalAppDataLow is not in the list:

 // ImageMagick-Windows\ImageMagick\MagickCore\resource.c
MagickExport MagickBooleanType GetPathTemplate(char *path)
............. (void) FormatLocaleString(path,MagickPathExtent,"magick-" MagickPathTemplate);
  directory=(char *) GetImageRegistry(StringRegistryType,"temporary-path",
  if (directory == (char *) NULL)
  if (directory == (char *) NULL)
  if (directory == (char *) NULL)
#if defined(MAGICKCORE_WINDOWS_SUPPORT) || defined(__OS2__) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  if (directory == (char *) NULL)
  if (directory == (char *) NULL)
#if defined(__VMS)
  if (directory == (char *) NULL)
#if defined(P_tmpdir)
  if (directory == (char *) NULL)

So, I set MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH environment variable pointing to some sub-directory of LocalLow folder (acquired by SHGetKnownFolderPath(..FOLDERID_LocalAppDataLow,,), and decided that the fix is done, a trivial one.

Except I found that nothing has changed.
That's why:
1) I set environment variable with SetEnvironmentVariable WinAPI function
2) ImageMagick uses getenv CRT function, which is part of UCRT on Windows

And Windows UCRT keeps own copy of all process environment variables without any synchronization with process environment block: it just copies all the variables while initialization and then uses a separate data structure that clearly resembles Unix'es "environ", except it is properly synchronized and has a longer name:

 // Windows Kits\10\Source\10.0.10240.0\ucrt\env\getenv.cpp

// These functions search the environment for a variable with the given name.
// If such a variable is found, a pointer to its value is returned.  Otherwise,
// nullptr is returned.  Note that if the environment is access and manipulated
// from multiple threads, this function cannot be safely used:  the returned
// pointer may not be valid when the function returns.
template <typename Character>
static Character* __cdecl common_getenv_nolock(Character const* const name) throw()
    typedef __crt_char_traits<Character> traits;
    Character** const environment = traits::get_or_create_environment_nolock();
    if (environment == nullptr || name == nullptr)
        return nullptr;

    size_t const name_length = traits::tcslen(name);

    for (Character** current = environment; *current; ++current)
        if (traits::tcslen(*current) <= name_length)

        if (*(*current + name_length) != '=')

        if (traits::tcsnicoll(*current, name, name_length) != 0)

        // Internal consistency check:  The environment string should never use
        // a bigger buffer than _MAX_ENV.  See also the SetEnvironmentVariable
        // SDK function.
        _ASSERTE(traits::tcsnlen(*current + name_length + 1, _MAX_ENV) < _MAX_ENV);

        return *current + name_length + 1;

    return nullptr;


 _putenv_s("MAGICK_TEMPORARY_PATH", fvMagickAppDataPath.c_str());

did the trick.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

UI Windows Sandboxing

What I love about programming is that system programming can strike you back even if you are writing a simple desktop UI tool. For example, if you want it to be more secure, as I do. (it is Fancy Viewer tool in my case

The tool uses ImageMagick library (plus plugins) which I completely trust, but vulnerabilities happen and it is better to run the parsers in some isolated environment, i.e. sandbox. 

There are some Windows API functions for that:

which work as charm:

Except you have to rewrite token's default DACL or the app refuses to start on Windows 7 (or on Windows 10 with "run as administrator").

Like here:

BOOL CreateProcessRestrictedW(LPWSTR lpCommandLine,
    LPSTARTUPINFOW lpStartupInfo,
    BOOL bInheritHandles,
    DWORD dwCreationFlags,
    LPVOID lpEnvironment,
    LPCWSTR lpCurrentDirectory,
    OUT LPPROCESS_INFORMATION lpProcessInformation)
    HANDLE hProcessToken = 0, hRestrictedToken = 0;

    if (!OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(),
        return FALSE;
    lsvu::HandleGuard processTokenGuard(hProcessToken);

    // get current user sid
    std::vector<char> currentUserSID;
    if (QueryTokenSID_Silent(hProcessToken, &currentUserSID))
        return FALSE;

    // collect other system sids
    std::vector<char> adminSID;
    if (GetWellKnownSid_Silent(WinBuiltinAdministratorsSid, adminSID))
        return FALSE;
    std::vector<char> localSystemSID;
    if (GetWellKnownSid_Silent(WinLocalSystemSid, localSystemSID))
        return FALSE;

    SID_AND_ATTRIBUTES sidToDisable = {, 0 };

    // create the restricted token
    if (!CreateRestrictedToken(hProcessToken,
        1, &sidToDisable,
        0, 0,
        0, 0,
        return FALSE;
    lsvu::HandleGuard restrictedTokenGuard(hRestrictedToken);

    // Set the token to low integrity:
    TOKEN_MANDATORY_LABEL tokenLabel = { 0 };
    tokenLabel.Label.Attributes = SE_GROUP_INTEGRITY;
    if (!ConvertStringSidToSidW(L"S-1-16-4096", &tokenLabel.Label.Sid))
        return FALSE;
        LocalGuard sidLabelGuard(tokenLabel.Label.Sid);
        if (!SetTokenInformation(hRestrictedToken,
            sizeof(tokenLabel) + GetLengthSid(tokenLabel.Label.Sid)))
            return FALSE;

    // Create new DACL
    std::vector<char> dacl;
    if (CreateACL_Silent(dacl, currentUserSID, adminSID, localSystemSID))
        return FALSE;
    TOKEN_DEFAULT_DACL newDefaulDACL = { (PACL) };
    if (!SetTokenInformation(hRestrictedToken, TokenDefaultDacl, 
&newDefaulDACL, sizeof(newDefaulDACL))) { return FALSE; } // Create a new process using the restricted token BOOL result = CreateProcessAsUserW(hRestrictedToken, NULL, lpCommandLine, NULL, NULL, bInheritHandles, dwCreationFlags, (LPVOID)lpEnvironment, lpCurrentDirectory, lpStartupInfo, lpProcessInformation); return result; } 

It isn't a full compilable source, but demonstrates the idia well enough.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

[offtop] UI and Guilty Pleasure

Suddenly started a desktop tool for file viewing purposes: 

Yeaaah, just another photo viewing tool: Windows/API, ImageMagick-based, see About->Licenses for licenses.

There are couple of reasons why I did it:

- first, I need a hobby and I'm not in the mood for another low level hobby-security-project; had a lot of that stuff on the job;

- then, the process of testing i.e, going through gigabytes of photos on my hard drive calms me very well, which is good for the mental health. Funny thing, UI bugs don't frustrate me at all (I know a lot of people who hate them terribly);

- I use the tool by myself and I just like it this way: I like the ability of reviewing photos without being limited with fixed-sized thumbnails; I also use built-in FTPS client features, Tags and Favorites features, Dark Theme, etc.

It is still a little bit raw: doesn't have proper auto-update system and code signing (I ordered the cert, but the process is slow as hell). UI obviously lacks of RTL support; multi-language support is not that great, it currently just supports only two of languages: English and Ukrainian. 

P.S: Some UI controls were created completely from scratch, and it was a lot of fun with Win32 stuff which I also love (while 70%-80% of my regular job is about Linux/Unix systems currently)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Orthia Windbg Extension released

Orthia Windbg Extension Released
Latest version:

1. New Major Feature added: Code Emulator

How to use: 
// load extension and setup profile
.load orthia.dll
!orthia.profile %temp%\test.db

// rewrite default VM (another way is to use vm_vm_new)

// run the function and show the result
!orthia.vm_vm_call 0 nt!PsGetCurrentProcess --print 

See Wiki for the details: 

2. Code Analyzer improved

1. Memory consumption reduced
2. Performance of analyzing improved

The latest sources:

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Windbg: raw dumping of usermode memory

This script works fine for me and dumps all the MEM_COMMIT pages to the specified folder:

.foreach /ps 6 (place  {!address -o:1 /f:MEM_COMMIT}) {   .foreach /pS a /ps 100 (size  {!address place }) { .echo place size; .writemem c:\dir2export\prefix${place} place L?${size}; } }

How to use:
- change "c:\dir4data" to your directory name;
- change "prefix" to the appropriate file prefix or remove it at all;

Do not forget that Windbg doesn't understand multi-line scripts and !address extension works differently in the kernel-mode environment.

UPD. For some strange reason Windbg randomly shows can't access the memory error, but the next run of script completes successfully.

UPD2. Also the script is useful for full memory search:
// 8 bytes
.foreach /ps 6 (place  {!address -o:1 /f:MEM_COMMIT}) { .foreach /pS a /ps 100 (size  {!address place }) { s -q ${place} L?${size}/8 put-variable-here; } }
// 4 bytes
.foreach /ps 6 (place  {!address -o:1 /f:MEM_COMMIT}) { .foreach /pS a /ps 100 (size  {!address place }) { s -d ${place} L?${size}/4 put-variable-here; } }


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

The terrible story about .NET Invoke

1.  There is something interesting about PostMessage
There is a limit of 10,000 posted messages per message queue. This limit should be sufficiently large. If your application exceeds the limit, it should be redesigned to avoid consuming so many system resources. To adjust this limit, modify the following registry key.
         Windows NT
The minimum acceptable value is 4000.

2.  And this explains why Invoke hangs when reaches the limit:

private object MarshaledInvoke(Control caller, 
                               Delegate method, 
                               object[] args, 
                               bool synchronous)
    int lpdwProcessId;
/// ....
/// skipped
/// ....
    if (flag)
        UnsafeNativeMethods.PostMessage(new HandleRef(this, this.Handle), 
    if (!synchronous)
        return entry;
    if (!entry.IsCompleted)
        this.WaitForWaitHandle(entry.AsyncWaitHandle); // <<<< OOPS
    if (entry.exception != null)
        throw entry.exception;
    return entry.retVal;

It's a scary, scary world

Thursday, November 5, 2015

oh my god! they killed LastAccessTime

Сабж случился 9 лет назад вместе с выходом Windows Vista и остался незаметным для широких масс пользователей программистов до сих пор:

Итого, из пяти параметров FILE_BASIC_INFORMATION осталось три полезных, своего рода рекорд.